Octopus at the Central Laser Facility
Octopus is a unique user facility with a suite of advanced laser-based imaging and laser trapping capabilities, such as super-resolution microscopy (including at cryogenic temperature), multidimensional single molecule imaging and tracking, confocal microscopy, light microscopy, and focused ion beam scanning electron microscopy for life, environmental, and materials sciences.
To find out more about the latest research from Octopus and calls for access, please check the Central Laser Facility's newsfeed.
Related Division Head member
Dr Dave Clarke
Dr David Clarke is the Lasers for Science (LSF) Division Head for Central Laser Facility.
Professor Marisa Martin-Fernandez
Benji Bateman
Professor Stan Botchway
Stan's research has centred on the development and scientific application of lasers to biology and medicine.
Dr Benjamin Davis
Dr Esther Garcia Gonzalez
Dr Michael Hirsch
Dr Robert Lees
Dr Alasdair Mackenzie
Dr Sarah Needham
Dr Selene Roberts
Dr Daniel Rolfe
Dr Christopher Tynan
Chris obtained his M.Sci. in Physics from Durham University, and MA and PhD from the University of Liverpool.
Professor Lin Wang
Lin was appointed permanent Staff Scientist at the Central Laser Facility at the end of 2015.
Dr Andy Ward
Andy obtained his PhD at University of Bristol, studying polymer chemistry and dynamic light scattering.
Dr Laura Zanetti Domingues
Laura joined the LSF in 2010 as a joint PhD student in Cancer Studies with King’s College London.