Publications Policy
Policy on Author Affiliation in Connection with Research Complex at Harwell Publications
1. Background and Purpose
This policy sets out the agreed form for recording Research Complex at Harwell affiliation on all research outputs. Standardising institutional affiliation provides a number of benefits for both individual authors and Research Complex at Harwell. These include:
- Enhancing the visibility of Research Complex at Harwell research through bibliographic databases such as Web of Science and Scopus, potentially increasing citation rates.
- Increasing the esteem and reputation of individual researchers, research groups and the Research Complex at Harwell amongst the research community at both national and international level.
- Ensuring individual researchers, research groups and Research Complex at Harwell receive appropriate academic recognition for the quality and breadth of research.
- More accurate measuring and recording of bibliometrics associated with research outputs, enabling more accurate reporting of our impact.
2. Scope
This policy applies to:
- All academic research staff and students based fully or partly at Research Complex at Harwell.
- Any research arising from the use of Research Complex at Harwell facilities.
- All publications where a Research Complex at Harwell based researcher is an author, even where that is not the principal or corresponding author.
- Where an author holds a joint affiliation with another institution or organisation, both affiliations should be cited, but the Research Complex at Harwell affiliation must be included.
- The policy applies to all research outputs, including articles, conference proceedings, monographs, book chapters and other publications.
- In the case of research carried out using Research Complex facilities by researchers not fully or partly based in the RCaH, then an acknowledgement of the use of facilities should be recorded in the paper.
3. Research Complex at Harwell Policy
- The institutional affiliation Research Complex at Harwell must be cited.
- Acronyms or abbreviations should not be used for the Research Complex at Harwell affiliation e.g. RCaH.
- Where permitted by the publication’s house style, Research Complex at Harwell should appear as the first element in institutional affiliation. Other elements (e.g. Department or Research Group) may be listed as subsidiary elements, before Research Complex at Harwell but these should never appear at the expense of including Research Complex at Harwell.
- If the publication’s house style does not permit the format outlined in 3.3 above, Research Complex at Harwell should appear as prominently and as close to the start of the affiliation entry as possible. In all circumstances, it should appear no later than the second element.
- Examples of the correct format for institutional affiliations can be found in Appendix 1.
4. Responsibility
- It is the responsibility of individual authors to ensure that their affiliation to Research Complex at Harwell is correctly recorded. This includes checking the proofs of any publications received.
- Where a paper is co-authored with an academic from another institution, it is the responsibility of the individual Research Complex at Harwell author to ensure that the corresponding author is informed of the correct format to be used for Research Complex at Harwell researchers.
- It will be the responsibility of the appropriate Research Complex Core Team to work with the individual author to take appropriate steps to ensure that all future publications contain the correct attribution.
5. Dissemination of Policy
This policy will be disseminated via the Research Complex at Harwell website, and appropriate committees. Please send a reprint of the paper, or an e-mail including the reference information for the publication, to the Research Complex’s Communication Officer, where aResearch Complex publication number will be generated. We also politely request that you remember to acknowledge use of Research Complex at Harwell in your presentations and cite us, and our facilities, in grants as appropriate.
6. Review
This policy will be reviewed by the Director of Research Complex at Harwell in conjunction with Executive Board every 2 years.
Appendix 1: Examples of the correct use of institutional affiliation
Academic research articles
- [Researcher Name], Research Complex at Harwell, Harwell Science and Innovation Campus, Didcot, Oxfordshire OX11 0FA, United Kingdom.
- [Researcher Name], [Group/Hub/Centre Name], Research Complex at Harwell, Harwell Science and Innovation Campus, Didcot, Oxfordshire OX11 0FA, United Kingdom.
Other publication formats
- [Researcher Name] is a Group Leader at Research Complex at Harwell (and if needed)in/the [Group/Hub/Centre Name].
- [Researcher Name] is a Research Fellow at Research Complex at Harwell (and if needed)in/the [Group/Hub/Centre Name].
- [Researcher Name] is a Post Graduate Research Student at Research Complex at Harwell (and if needed) in/the [Group/Hub/Centre Name].