Larissa Ishibe Veiga

Larissa is a Principal Beamline Scientist of I06 beamline of Diamond Light Source. She has extensive experience in advanced polarised X-ray scattering and absorption techniques in the hard and soft X-ray range. She applies those techniques to study the interplay between electronic, magnetic, and crystal structure on magnetic quantum materials. She is also interested in how to manipulate emergent phenomena through external stimuli. Since joining I06, she has worked mainly on X-ray Magnetic Circular/Linear Dichroism (XMCD/XMLD) experiments using the superconducting magnet, as well as Resonant Soft X-ray Diffraction (RSXD). She is also interested in imaging techniques to map magnetic domains in multiferroics in real and reciprocal space. Before joining Diamond, she worked mainly on the study of quantum ordered phases in materials that combine electronic correlations and strong spin-orbit coupling (4d, 5d transition metal oxides).

Research Interests

Emergent quantum phases in magnetic materials. Quantum materials, interplay between electronic structure, magnetism, and crystal structure. Quantum phase transitions.  Domain and domain walls in multiferroics.