Perry Group
The Perry Group studies the properties of functional materials, in particular metal oxides and chalcogenides. These materials host a diverse array of properties, such as ferroelectricity, superconductivity, magnetism, and exotic metallic behaviour. They are interested in applying these properties to applications involving spintronic devices, photovoltaics, thermoelectrics and transparent conducting oxides.
They specialize in the growth of single crystalline materials (SCs). Single crystals are one of the cornerstones of modern technology; many devices require high-quality SCs to function. A classic example is SC silicon in integrated circuits. The Perry Group has a dedicated laboratory at ISIS Neutron and Muon Source for the synthesis of SCs using advanced techniques like floating zone, top-seeded growth, chemical vapour transport, and solution.
To study these crystals, the group make use of a range of chemical characterisation techniques (including SEM, EDX and XPS) and bulk property measurements (such as XRD), within Research Complex. They also perform advanced scattering (neutron and resonant X-ray) at Diamond and ISIS. These techniques allow them to understand the relationship between the structure of our crystals and their useful properties. The facilities at Research Complex are crucial for their science: without careful characterisation, the group cannot apply for beamtime at Diamond and ISIS to study their materials.