Timur Avni

Timur is a Post-Doctoral researcher, having graduated from a Masters at the University of Bristol and currently completing his PhD at Imperial College on HHG, femtosecond-IR pulse compression in HCFs, and resonant dispersive wave emission (RDW) emission. He joined the team in 2021 to develop stretched-fibre apparatus' to generate broad-band, few-femtosecond pulses for 2DES in collaboration with Professor Steve Meech at the University of East Anglia. He is also keen to develop highly-stable, characterised, and reproducible ultrashort non-linear optical sources from the IR to the X-ray for a wide range of ultrafast spectroscopies.

Timur Avni

Research Interests

Nonlinear Optics in Hollow Core Fibres (HCF), 2D Electron Spectroscopy (2DES), Ultrafast Dynamics, Development of Novel Light Sources, High Harmonic Generation (HHG)​