Luc Costello Heaven

Luc is a PhD student jointly supervised by Prof. David Heery (University of Nottingham) and Dr Ralf Flaig at Diamond Light Source. His PhD project is focusing on structural and functional studies of histone lysine acetyltransferases, a class of enzymes that are central players in genome regulation. Luc completed a Molecular Biology integrated Master’s degree with First Class honours at the University of Sheffield in 2020. Here, he first developed a taste for structural biology when completing a 3rd year project using NMR to study the interaction of Dihydrofolate reductase and an inhibitor. 

Beyond structural biology, Luc has a keen interest for gene regulation. In his Masters year, he worked on developing nascent RNA sequencing with Oxford Nanopore Technology - receiving the Mike Fowler medal for creative science. Luc has also studied transcriptional regulation by long non-coding RNAs during a summer placement at the Francis Crick Institute.