Professor Mike Hough

Mike is Principal Beamline Scientist of the room-temperature in situ beamline VMXi at Diamond Light Source and Honorary Professor at the University of Essex. After an undergraduate degree in physics and PhD in structural biology, he worked at the Synchrotron Radiation Source at Daresbury laboratory and in several universities. He was an academic in the School of Life Sciences at the University of Essex from 2011 to 2021 before moving to Diamond.


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Mike Hough

Research Interests

Mike's research interests fall into two main overlapping areas. Firstly, he is interested in structural biology methods development and in particular room-temperature crystallography, serial crystallography, studies of radiation damage to protein crystals and complimentary spectroscopy obtained from the crystals used for data collection. Secondly, Mike focuses on studies of iron- and copper-containing metalloproteins, and in particular proteins of the nitrogen cycle and haem peroxidases.