Bruker Avance III 400MHz NMR
Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) spectroscopy is used to observe the resonance frequency of nuclei in an applied external magnetic field, which is dependent not only on the magnetic properties of the nuclei but also its chemical environment. NMR is widely used to determine the structure of molecules in solution, and to study intermolecular interactions.
The Bruker Avance III 400MHz NMR spectrometer includes the AVANCE-III two-channel console, capable of performing all modern NMR experiments such as observation of 1H, 2H 11B 13C 15N 19F and 31P. This is done using a broadband multinuclear (BBFOPlus) probe with the Bruker UltraShieldPlus to enhance screening of external magnet field disturbances from the sample measurement. Samples can be examined at temperatures as low as -120°C. Multiple samples can be loaded and left to run using the 60 position autosampler. The data is captured and processed using the Bruker TopSpin software.