Dr Dave Clarke

Dr David Clarke is a biochemist and biophysicist with particular expertise in the development and application of physical techniques for the investigation of biological systems. David is expert in a number of microscopy spectroscopy and methods, including fluorescence (steady-state and time-resolved), circular dichroism, transmission and scanning electron microscopy (including cryo-TEM), and atomic force microscopy. A particular area of expertise is the application of kinetic methods combined with synchrotron radiation techniques for the study of macromolecular interactions. This has included the development of fast stopped-flow, temperature-jump, and laser flash photolysis equipment for use with UV and x-ray synchrotron techniques.

David was responsible for leading the design, construction, and commissioning of CD12, the world's first dedicated synchrotron radiation beamline for time-resolved and steady-state circular dichroism spectroscopy. He was previously head of the STFC Lasers for Science Division, based in the Research Complex at Harwell, where he led three groups, Artemis, OCTOPUS and Ultra,  developing and operating advanced laser imaging and spectroscopy facilities for the academic community. David has published papers in both life sciences research and instrument development, and is a named inventor on a number of technique and instrumentation patents.


Dr Dave Clarke