Membrane Protein Laboratory (MPL)


The Membrane Protein Laboratory (MPL) is a Diamond Light Source user facility based at Research Complex.  Re-funded by Wellcome until 2027, the MPL is a research and training resource for scientists interested understanding the structure and function of membrane proteins.  The MPL provides five core platforms that support integrative membrane protein biology.  These include high-throughput cloning and protein expression, purification optimisation, biochemical and biophysical characterization, crystallisation and sample preparation for cryo-electron microscopy and data collection for structural biology.  The proximity of our location at Research Complex to Diamond Light Source, eBIC, ISIS Neutron and Muon Source and the Central Laser Facility provides a unique advantage in the study of membrane proteins. We work with the latest developments in data collection systems within the MX group and with eBIC at Diamond. This allows our users to characterise early-stage crystal hits or identify well behaved samples on cryo-EM grids leading to rapid project progression.