JSM-6610LV is a fast-performance scanning electron microscope (SEM) featuring low vacuum capabilities. This microscope is great for robust imaging and characterisation of microstructures on samples of various shapes and sizes. Users can use dual live image display to compare the secondary electron and a backscattered images and evaluate contrasting features. The low vacuum mode allows for observation of specimens that cannot be viewed at high vacuum due to excessive water content or their non-conductive nature.
Our JSM-6610 features:
- Tungsten (W) electron source
- Secondary electron (SE) and back-scattered electron (BSE) detectors
- Low vacuum mode
- Holders for 12.5mm and 32mm cylinder stubs and adapters for pin stubs
- EDXS detector (Oxford Instruments Xmaxn 80T)
- EBSD detector (Oxford Instruments NordlysNano)
- Oxford Instruments software: Aztec, Tango, Salsa, Mambo, Inca
Technology Platform
Equipment Platform