JEM-2100 is a versatile 200kV transmission electron microscope (TEM), which is routinely used for material and biological studies. The microscope is well suited for examination of morphology and size distribution of nano-particles, lattice imaging and chemical analysis. The microscope can be operated in various illumination conditions (standard parallel and convergent beam, including scanning TEM capability). A high-stability goniometer stage was specifically tuned for high tilt tomographic applications. At low mag conditions, JEM-2100 can be used for Lorentz microscopy.
Our JEM-2100 features:
- LaB6 electron source
- In-gap objective apertures
- Single-tilt sample holder with quick exchange tips plus tomography tip
- Double-tilt sample holder for diffraction experiments and examination of crystalline specimens
- Cryo-holder (Gatan) for imaging frozen unstained samples and carrying out cryo-ET experiments
- JEOL DF and BF detectors for STEM imaging
- EDXS detector (Oxford Instruments Xmaxn 80T)
- Advanced software for imaging: Gatan Micrograph (Tomography, Tuning, Montage, Video), SerialEM, Aztec.
Technology Platform
Equipment Platform