Research Complex at Harwell is delighted to welcome Etcembly, a company assembling the world’s largest immune database. Etcembly is delivering novel solutions to diseases through the synergy of empirical validation and informatics.
Its mission is to revolutionise immunotherapy by building a pioneering machine learning platform (EMLy™) to make in silico TCR based drug design a reality. This new technology will streamline drug development for the biotech and pharma industry by vastly shortening drug discovery cycles and speeding up pipelines.
Etcembly will be using the biophysical instruments available here at Research Complex, as well as our microbiology and cell culture facilities.
Our Head of Scientific Support Zuzanna Lalanne says, “We are very pleased that Etcembly is now present here at Research Complex. Already during their first day at the Research Complex, we saw opportunities for collaborations and interactions with many of the Research Complex groups. This is the nature of the Research Complex – people from various groups and disciplines talking to and inspiring each other!”
Dr Michelle Teng, CEO of Etcembly continues ‘The facilities at Research Complex made it an obvious choice for one of our locations; coupled with the collaboration opportunities here. We’re looking forward to expanding our ground-breaking work and becoming a member of this thriving eco-system.’