Probing light-matter interactions with electron microscopy: From precision spectroscopy to ultrafast dynamics

Everyone is welcome to join for this seminar with Dr Bruce Weaver from Artemis at the Central Laser Facility at 3:00pm on Wednesday 16th October.


Ultrafast transmission electron microscopy has enabled imaging, spectroscopy, and diffraction studies of material behaviour on femtosecond timescales. However, numerous practical constraints restrict the technique's spatial, spectral, and temporal resolution.

In this seminar Dr Bruce Weaver will discuss how innovative approaches using integrated photonics can overcome these challenges. He will present recent work demonstrating how electron beam interactions with a photonic integrated circuit-based microcavity can significantly improve the accuracy and precision of static electron energy loss spectroscopy and show how this can be used to create a coherent link between microwave and free-electron energy domains. He will also present ongoing work to extend this technique to ultrafast timescales and to use tightly focussed fibre-delivered ultrashort pulses to reveal spatiotemporal dynamics in magnetic materials.

Seminar poster



​Dr. Bruce Weaver joined the Artemis team in June 2024. His research interests include ultrafast electron microscopy and diffraction, high harmonic generation, and ultrafast optics.
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